
We strive to ensure that orders are packed and shipped as quickly as possible. We ship 95% of orders out within two business days, with most going out within one business day, however we make no guarantee of ship dates as order volume can vary. Orders with upgraded shipping are given priority. Our shipping cutoff time is 3:00 PM EST. Special orders and non-stock items are subject to longer lead times. Our standard shipping method is FedEx 2Day. Other options include Priority Overnight and for quantities of 4 or less, USPS Ground Advantage. Charges are calculated at the time the order is placed.
Orders containing low temperature products, those with any rated temperatures 115°F (46°C) or below, will need to be shipped FedEx Priority Overnight with a frozen gel pack during the warmer months. During this time, low temperature items are not shipped on Fridays. Low temperature orders must be opened upon receipt and inspected immediately to ensure that the temperature elements remain unaffected. Any issues must be reported within one day of delivery. Store in a cool environment, ideally under refrigeration, until time of use.